

出国日 タクシー予約で気を付ける事3つ





















Departure Day -3 Things about Taxi Reservation-


 “I’m being transferred to Thailand.”

A year and a half passed since my boyfriend (now husband) broke the news.

Since then, we went through the whole process of Proposal, Official Registration, and Wedding ceremony.

Now, the time has finally come for me to move to Thailand with him.


On the day, we got on a taxi that I reserved to pick us up and take us to the airport.

By the way, when reserving a taxi in Tokyo, I recommend to be careful of the below three things (as of April 2019).


・Use Taxi App

  Search “Taxi Reservation” and you get a lot of hits.

  So I accessed one of the taxi websites, called the reservation phone number and waited…10 minutes…no sign of anyone picking up the phone…

  I called a few more numbers, but none was successful. Guess the impact of working population decrease hit here as well. :/

  So I downloaded an app called JapanTaxi. It’s simple and easy to use.


・Know the fixed fare to the airport from your pick-up place

  If you live in the Tokyo 23 special district, Musashino-shi or Mitaka-shi, you can make use of the fixed-fare to the airport.

  However, be careful that 1. Depending on where you live, the fare might be higher than regular fare and

      2. Some taxi companies do not provide the fixed-fare for certain districts. On the Nihon-Kotsu website, there is a Fare Simulation tool.

  You can also check the fare on the app.


・Reserve at least 1 week in advance

  Depending on the pick-up time, you may get an “reservation is full”message. In that case, reservation will be made from taxis in other area.

  But it comes with a cost. You have to buy something called “Busy ticket” on the app, which costs 980 yen!!

       I was thinking that since it was a weekday morning, making a reservation would be easy. Life wasn’t that easy.

  Despite using a coupon and fixed-fare, the total amount we payed was just a liiiitle less than the regular fare.

  Lesson learned: Doing things in advance and being prepared is important!!!